Terms and Conditions

  1. About this agreement for terms of use

Please go through the kliketal.com website and online services’ terms of use. It is to protect you when you use the website and online services.

  1. Registration

There are two main categories for registration purposes.

The first category is for Experts who wants to share their Knowle and expertise. The second category is learners who need an Expert as a service provider to support their education.

Experts may invite learners into their learning environment at kliketal.com.

Experts may make their contact information available to gain more learner clients free of charge, including contact details and services/courses they are offering. However, kliketal.com does not promise to provide learners to Experts who use this service.

  1. Your user profile

It is a user’s responsibility to complete the personal profile and to keep it up to date to receive communication.

  1. Setting up a secure user profile 

When you register as a user on kliketal.com, you must choose a username and password. It is the user’s responsibility to keep the username and password secret and to change the password often for better security.

Should you forget your password, you can self-recover it here.

  1. Protecting your user profile 

You must protect the information you use for your user profile. Do not give anyone else access to your information or to your account. Kliketal.com has the right to treat any person using your information, as a rightful user because you have given permission to act on your behalf. Therefore, as a user, you accept full responsibility for all activities that occur on your online user profile and account.

  1. Looking after your information 

Be careful when you respond to emails. If you get an email that looks like it is from kliketal.com and that asks you to give personal information or to confirm your profile information by clicking on a link, do not click.

A ‘phisher’ or ‘spoofer’ most likely sent the email – these are people or organisations who try to access your account by dishonest means. Responding to phishers or spoofers puts you and your personal information at risk.

We at kliketal.com as an organisation, the management and/or our employees/representatives or service providers are not responsible for anything that happens if you respond to an email sent by a phisher or a spoofer.

  1. Your personal information is important 

The systems and servers that kliketal.com run on and our staff are audited for security and we will do our best to protect your personal information.

When you register, kliketal.com will ask you to agree that kliketal.com can capture, store, and manage your personal information that you willingly share on the website. You have the right to refuse, but you cannot use the kliketal.com website and online services without agreeing to this clause.

  1. Use of the website and services 

Use the website honestly and with integrity, as dishonest behaviour of whatever nature may lead to immediate termination of your access at the sole discretion of the kliketal.com management team with no refunds or recourse.

You must use the kliketal.com website and online services only for the purposes intended.

  1. Downtime 

We have a 99.99% system up time, but it may happen that the website may be unavailable due to website and online service updates. We at kliketal.com will tell you about these delays before they happen if kliketal.com knows about them beforehand.

  1. Electronic Communication, Storage and Legal Action

The staff at kliketal.com usually communicates with users using the online messaging services. A system generated email will follow for your convenience. You may unsubscribe to this and other automated email sending services from the system.

All documents and information you make available to kliketal.com will be electronically stored in the cloud. Part of such information may be stored with reputable third cloud service providers who have agreed to keep your information highly secure and confidential.

By uploading documents, you give permission that other users may view and download these documents for the intended purpose as defined by the context of the upload.

Some documents/information uploaded by yourself and stored on the kliketal.com or approved/ contracted third party systems may include certificates and other which may have expiry dates. It remains your responsibility to replace such expired documents/information in time. We at kliketal.com do not take any responsibility for the correctness of your documents/information uploaded and stored, or any responsibility for the fact that some documents/information have expired.

We at kliketal.com also do not take any responsibility for any false, fraudulent, or incorrect documents, or any other information uploaded by users. We therefore do not take any legal or other responsibility in terms of claims due to such documents, or any conduct by users of the service for any matter. Any such claims by other parties against users of the service will be against such users and not against kliketal.com.

The system or we at kliketal.com might send you emails, SMSs, notifications, or other electronic messages. We accept that these communications are received within 24 hours of kliketal.com sending them.

When kliketal.com communicates with you, we will take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information and maintain confidentiality and information security. This includes in some cases using encryption technology.

We at kliketal.com cannot guarantee the confidentiality or security of any information you send to kliketal.com by email, you therefore use email to provide your information at your own risk.

  1. Log off after each session 

You must log off after each session. Kliketal.com is not responsible for any losses or changes to your connected device, user profile and uploads of whatever nature regarding your information or other if you do not log off.

  1. Using third-party services 

Third-party or external service and hardware suppliers are used to help with hosting and managing certain aspects of the kliketal.com website and online services.

We at kliketal.com aims to ensure that sub-contractors and partners comply with the kliketal.com privacy policy and widely accepted security standards, and they will be held responsible if they do not meet these standards.

  1. Linking to third-party websites

The kliketal.com online services may have links to ‘third-party’ or external websites. kliketal.com provides these links only for your convenience. Trade names/marks and content are the property of the third-party.

By including links, kliketal.com does not imply that kliketal.com supports the linked website, their business or security practices, or that kliketal.com has any association with the people who run it. Because kliketal.com does not control linked third-party websites, we are therefore not responsible for anything on them, including information, content, links, material, or changes.

We at kliketal.com do not accept any claims of whatever nature for any damages, losses, or consequential loss (loss that follows from an action) if you:

  • Rely on content provided by third-party websites as part of the kliketal.com online services. It may contain errors or have incomplete information;
  • Give information to or receive information from any third party on the kliketal.com online services.
  1. No guarantee about content and information on online services

We at kliketal.com aims to make sure that the content and information on the website and online services are complete, accurate and up to date. However, kliketal.com does not guarantee:

  • that the products and services on the website and online services will meet your needs;
  • the content and information on the website and online services are valid, complete or accurate;
  • that content provided by users during registration and profile updating are correct and up to date.

You use the content and information on the website and online services entirely at your own risk and free will.

The terms of service and use may change at any time without any negotiations with any of the users of the service as content on the website and online services may change from time to time. We therefore have the right to change any content or information we provide on the website and online services, including products and services, and any terms or conditions relating to them. If needed kliketal.com will inform you of important changes within a reasonable time.

We at kliketal.com are not responsible for your use of the website and online services. You are responsible for how you use the website and online services. Kliketal.com will not refund or pay for any claims as a result of your use of the website and online services.

We at kliketal.com are not responsible for content from external sources. You accept that some of the information, content, tools or materials on the website and online services come from external sources. We at kliketal.com are also not responsible for any information or content that you receive from these external sources.

  1. Intellectual property 

Subscribers to the kliketal.com service holds all the rights to all intellectual property in the content used on the kliketal.com website and online services.

In other words, we at kliketal.com, hold or claim no copyright to information that subscribers place on the kliketal.com website and online services, except if indicated to the contrary.

South African and international law protects this intellectual property.

Unless permission is given in writing, you may not copy or share the content, information, or pictures from the kliketal.com website that you do not own. If you copy, share, or change any of the intellectual property, kliketal.com or the legal owners of the property has a legal right to claim money from you (known in law as damages). Kliketal.com can also claim for loss of income and loss of business or esteem.

You cannot consider anything on the website and the online services as giving you a right to use any of the intellectual property from kliketal.com, the holding partners or Experts who make use of the service without there written permission. This includes any intellectual property including but not limited to copyrighted materials, logos, slogans, and trademarks. If kliketal.com, the holding partners or Experts who make uses of the service succeeds with its claim against you for the unauthorised use of intellectual property or other material taken illegally from the website, you agree to pay all legal costs on the attorney and own client scale (this means our actual legal fees and money paid on our behalf).

  1. Professional Conduct

By registering as a user or service provider on the kliketal.com website yourself and your business commit yourself in principle to:

  • Provide services reliably, dependably, accurately, confidently and in an ethical manner to any of the other users of the service of kliketal.com as well as the kliketal.com community at large.
  • You commit to respect all persons, cultures and customs and serve regardless of political or religious standpoint, race, creed, or nationality of the recipients and without adverse distinction of any kind.
  • You commit to communicate assurance and earn trust and confidence.
  • You commit to be responsive, caring and spend time for providing individualized attention.
  • You commit to care for the effectiveness of physical facilities, equipment, personal appearance and communications and your environment.
  • You commit to objectively and truthfully communicate your ability to serve to the extent you are capable of.
  • In this, you hold yourself accountable to other kliketal.com users of the service, your business partners, shareholders, employer, customers, clients, colleagues, other stakeholders, and society at large.
  1. Use of kliketal.com logo on own website

To show your commitment to professionalism, users and service providers who apply will be allowed after approval to display the kliketal.com logo on their own websites, with a direct link to the kliketal.com website.

  1. Termination of users of the service

Take note that the use of kliketal.com is at the sole discretion of kliketal.com management. We at kliketal.com can terminate this agreement and your user of the service at any time.

  1. Each part of this agreement is separate

If anything in this agreement is found to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, then only the illegal, invalid, or unenforceable part of the agreement no longer applies. The rest of the agreement will stay in place.

  1. South African law applies

The laws of the Republic of South Africa govern this agreement.

  1. Domicilium

The domicilium citandi executandi for each party is defined as each parties’ respective email address and all mails sent by us at kliketal.com or our representatives will be considered as received and served.

  1. Waivers:

Any waivers or relaxation of the terms and conditions as set out by kliketal.com in accordance with this agreement or any other agreement, shall in no way prejudice kliketal.com or keep it from exercising any of its rights.

  1. Amendments:

The management of kliketal.com reserves the right to amend this agreement and terms and conditions at any time without having to negotiate such changes with any of the users of the service. Use of the kliketal.com directly implies acceptance. Users of the service will be prompted to accept any amendments to the terms and conditions when logging in and should such amended terms and conditions not be accepted, your non-acceptance will serve as a notice of cancellation from your side and will be treated as such with a full calendar month notice where applicable.


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